Rabu, 14 Oktober 2009

The Scholastic Art Awards

The Scholastic Art Awards honor students currently enrolled in grades 7-12, recognizing about 50,000 regional winners. Nationally, 800 young artists' individual works receive Gold and Silver awards in each of 14 art categories. Art Categories are: animation, ceramics & glass, computer art, design, digital imagery, drawing, mixed media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture and video & film.

Graduating high school seniors seeking scholarships must submit a body of eight works of art or photography for Portfolio Awards to their regional office of The Awards. To determine regional rules, entry forms, deadlines and contact information, please to go www.artandwriting.org and click on "How to Enter."

In June, national award recipients are honored at a ceremony at Carnegie Hall in New York. The winning artwork is displayed at the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. The awards annually bestow nearly $155,000 in cash on the national and regional levels. In addition, seniors who submit portfolios compete for scholarships totaling $1.5 million from more than 40 supporting institutions and organizations.

Deadlines vary depending on regions (December - January); entry forms are required and are available online at http://www.artandwriting.org

Contact: Scholastic A&W Awards, 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012;

Application Deadlines:

Maximum Amount:

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